Candidate Spotlight: John Padora

Run for Something
3 min readApr 25, 2020


All year long, we’re introducing you to our most creative and dedicated 2020 candidates in our new Candidate Spotlight!

Say hello to John Padora! John is a husband, father of three, a manufacturing engineer & environmental scientist. He is running for the State House seat in HD-37 (Northern Lancaster County) because his life experiences have inspired him to want to give back to his community. John is a formerly incarcerated opioid addict in long term recovery he and now uses his hardships as a means to inspire those still suffering from substance abuse disorder. Learn more about John’s campaign below!

Hi John! What or who inspired you to run for something?
The biggest catalyst for me was my struggle with addiction and my interactions with the criminal justice system. I am a formerly incarcerated opioid addict in long term recovery. I saw firsthand the consequences of a criminal justice system that locks up non-violent drug offenders. As an elected official I will work to treat addiction as a public health crisis, offer people second chances and the help they need. I can use my struggles as a platform to help others.

Right now there is quite a bit of uncertainty around COVID-19 and the poor response from our federal officials. What responsibility do state and local officials have to their constituents?
Our safety and security is the number one priority of every form of government. They need to coordinate a massive nationwide quarantine response to tackle this pandemic and most importantly they need to write legislation to bail out the working class and not the one percent .

How has the COVID-19 outbreak affected your campaign and your community? What have you been doing in your community as a candidate?
It has disrupted every aspect of our lives. Our children are home from school indefinitely, many of us are home from or out of work suffering massive financial losses and economic uncertainty & having to homeschool our kids. Right now our campaign is checking in to see if everyone is ok and if they need any information/assistance or shared resources. We are also trying to help organize mutual community and aid stations that offer free access to essentials and non-perishable food.

What issue is most pressing in your community and how do you plan on remedying it?
Our crumbling infrastructure, unsustainable healthcare costs and a government that doesn’t strive to improve the quality of life for working families across our region. I plan to help solve these issues through a multi-faceted approach: raising the minimum wage, expanding Medicaid access & offering a public buy-in option.

As you’ve been meeting with voters in your community, what is something new that you learned?
There is much more that unites us than divides us. Republicans, Democrats and Independents are all sick and tired of status quo politicians. Although we have ideological differences, people like to see everyday people running for office that have relatable life experiences.

What is one takeaway you’d like to leave your constituents with?
I’m a husband, a father of 3, blue collar manufacturing engineer, formerly incarcerated opioid addict, and most importantly a normal person. I’m not running to spend a lifetime draining taxpayer funded salaries and governing in the shadows — I’m running to help craft a more viable future for our children and grandchildren to inherit.



Run for Something

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